Best Ways to Protect a Yacht from Pirates

There are many dangers a sailor has to protect a yacht from, and pirates are one of them that might provide a threat. The word “pirate” carries romantic connotations of swash-buckling, sword-brandishing rogues with eye patches forcing people to walk the plank. The image is grounded in fiction, film, and Disney rides. However, the fantasy concept is difficult to reconcile with reality. In the first quarter of 2019, 27 vessels were boarded, seven were fired at, and four attempted attacks were made. Yacht owners invest millions in protecting their property from authentic pirates in today’s real world.

Protect a Yacht: How to Do It

Here are the top products that high-net-worth individuals (HNWI) are harnessing to deter pirates or other criminals from their yachts:

Anti-Drone Protection

This device can detect commercial drones within a range of approximately 20 km, provide a GPS position. Additionally, it can also pinpoint their heading and speed. When there is a threat, the anti-drone system can enable an electronic exclusion zone around the yacht, disrupting any drone’s control signal.

Cloaking System

The GOST Cloaking System provides a layer of protection in the interim between the alarm going off and the arrival of a response team by emitting a cloud of smoke that confuses the intruder and reduces visibility to under a foot.

Dazzle Guns

The dazzle gun does precisely what its name implies: it “dazzles” the intruder. The gun is a non-lethal, FDA-approved green laser that temporarily blinds and disorients the pirates. By doing this, it encourages retreat or buys valuable time for the yacht crew to react.

Exterior Lockdown Systems

A sailor can fit encrypted smart locks wirelessly to the exterior doors of a yacht, allowing for remote control or access from a centrally located spot on board. The system also enables the lockdown of specific zones on board. Additionally, it provides access logs that particular people can download.

Escape Rooms and Pods

Hidden escape rooms have ventilation, food, water, and communications equipment. Emergency watertight and fireproof escape pods with GPS, temperature control, and air purification are also in development.

Long-Range Acoustic Device

The LRAD is an anti-piracy device using non-lethal, pain-inducing sound waves to repel intruders. This weapon is an effective deterrent on yachts by emitting a high-pitched tone above human levels of tolerance.

Propeller Entanglement

This air-launched net is made of spectra rope and uses weighted loops to entangle the propellor and stop a vessel’s momentum. It is a helpful defense tool when another vehicle is in pursuit of the yacht.

Underwater Sonar Detection

Small, lightweight sonar detection systems can detect, identify, and track underwater vehicles or divers approaching a yacht from up to 1,200 meters away. The device alerts security when a threat is detected.

Surveilling Robots

The Throwbot is a high-tech micro-robot that a sailor can throw into locations for indoor or outdoor audio and video surveillance purposes. This remote-controlled robot has infrared illuminators that enable it to obtain footage even in low-light conditions.

Yacht insurance is still a critical component with all the glamorous bells and whistles of vessel defense. High-net-worth individuals should take steps to be sure their property is fully protected.

 About Byrnes Agency

At Byrnes Agency, we offer insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for personal policies or commercial coverage, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.

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