Insurance Strategies for Winter Motorcycle & Scooter Riding

A common misconception about motorcycles and scooters is that they are only fit for three seasons. However, with the proper preparation and risk mitigation, you can enjoy the freedom of your ride in the winter, too. Not only must you ensure your vehicle can handle the cold weather, but your motorcycle and scooter insurance should also reflect your winter driving.

Motorcycle & Scooter Insurance Coverage

Finding the right insurance products for your personal needs is the first step to risk mitigation. First, when looking into comprehensive coverage, look for plans that cover all weather-related damages, including collision coverage for accidents due to slippery roads. Some insurance policies may not cover injuries from weather-related accidents, but given the risk of winter accidents, you’ll want adequate protection for all possibilities.

Without adequate insurance, you may be unable to pay the damages associated with an accident. In addition to collision coverage, consider coverage for weather-related events. For example, comprehensive coverage may help if a tree falls on your vehicle due to the snow.

Winter Risks for Riders

Motorcycle and scooter insurance with winter coverage is essential due to the higher risks associated with winter driving. Amid snow, storms, and fog, you and other drivers may have limited visibility on the road. Low visibility is one of the most common reasons behind passenger vehicle versus motorcycle accidents, so you need to be more aware of other cars and your visibility in the winter.

Additionally, slippery roads can affect your traction, while road treatments like salt might erode layers of paint or increase the risk of rust and corrosion. The cold weather can also make it more difficult for you to operate your motorcycle or scooter. Without appropriate heating or riding gear, you may find yourself weak, clumsy, and unable to react quickly to obstacles in the road.

Safe Winter Riding

First, check that your vehicle can handle the winter weather. Whereas many bikes have batteries and fluids that suit warm weather, the colder weather may make starting your bike difficult. During the colder months, replace the battery if needed, and determine what oil you need for winter riding. The wrong oil can become too thick, and your bike must work harder to move in the cold.

Once your bike is ready to go, ensure you have the proper gear. Remember that the air will feel even colder when you reach freeway speeds. Use heavy-weight, insulated riding clothes, gloves, and boots to reduce the risk of cold-related injuries or illness. Some riders may consider heated gear and a full-face helmet.

On the road, stay aware of your surroundings. Remember to slow down and leave more distance between you and other drivers.

The Role of Motorcycle & Scooter Insurance

Winter riding is possible for careful motorcyclists. Having proper insurance is a critical element of risk mitigation in winter. Communicating with insurance providers can help you better understand what coverage you need to ride in winter. To find out more about motorcycle and scooter insurance, contact Byrnes today.

About Byrnes Agency 

At Byrnes Agency, we offer insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for personal policies or commercial coverage, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.

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Phone: (860) 774-8549
394 Lake Rd
Dayville, CT 06241
United States
Hours of Operation: Monday- Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
